Reliable Performance: Cabinet temperature can reach -86℃ with temp uniformity within 6℃
Touch Screen:LCD display flashing on touch screen
World Largest Capacity: The largest storage volume with the largest sample capacity in the world
Unique Message and Notepad Function: Information Transfer Facility: Haier’s unique message and notepad function to transmit the information conveniently.
Unique Inventory Management System(IMS): Layered display for sample storage, clear at a glance,easier to manage.
Stored samples of different ownership can be displayed with different colours, sample positions and status can be displayed clearly and directly.
Temperature Display: Cabinet temperature can be displayed on the front panel. Automatic alarm is triggered when temperature exceeds allowable limits and temperature recording line will change its colour.
Modular Design For Refrigeration system And Electrical Control System: Strong Cooling Capability And Reliable Performance. Cabinet temperature can reach -86℃ with temp uniformity within 4℃.